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We held a WONDERFUL event for Hannukah, in which we hosted over 400 widows and orphans

We held a WONDERFUL event for Hannukah, in which we hosted over 400 widows and orphans (of whom about half are children under the age of 15) through an organization called “Amitzim” (meaning “Brave”). After a morning at the Knesset, they came to FOZ by the busload, where they entered a transformed FOZ campus and experienced a holiday carnival. All over the campus there were different stands with face painting, games, food and drink, caricatures, and Playstation.
Towards the end of the carnival, the participants gathered in the Media Center for a performance by mentalist Eitan Klerer, followed by Hannukah candle lighting with MK Yehuda Glick. An amazing and happy time was had by all!