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The Founders

Back Through Time and on to the Holy Land

With a spectacular sound and light show, the Time Elevator takes us back to nearly 4,000 years ago.

With a 24 meters wide wraparound screen, the Founder’s Theater tells the story of the beginning of the covenant between God and the people of Israel through animation, lighting effects, narration, and original music presented in surround sound.

Chosen by God as the bearer of the message God in the world and the founder of a great nation, Abraham answers “Hineni,” “here am I,” and leads his family and followers from the land of his fathers to the land of Canaan, the Holy Land.

Fulfilling the Covenant

Abraham and his wife Sarah, their son Isaac and grandson Jacob became the patriarchs of the great nation that would come to be called the People of Israel. However, there were many barriers to overcome before fulfilling the covenant, as depicted dramatically in our presentation.

Failure of the people to keep God’s word, the invasion of foreign nations brought about death and destruction to the people of Israel, and the destruction of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem by the Romans put an end to the self-rule of Israel’s people in the Holy Land for the coming two millennia.