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Hall of Dreamers

Believers in the Dream

The Hall of Dreamers introduces four unique stories of believers in making the Dream come true: The Dream that the scattered People of Israel would be gathered from the four corners of the earth and return to their homeland – the flourishing Land of Israel – as the Prophets had so long ago foretold. Their Dream was the Dream of Zion restored.

Professor George Bush

Professor George Bush was not a prophet. Yet, if we quote the words of this distinguished 19th-century pioneer of Christian Zionism, we can only marvel at his foresight.

Professor George Bush

Professor George Bush
Professor George Bush was not a prophet. Yet, if we quote the words of this distinguished 19th-century pioneer of Christian Zionism, we can only marvel at his foresight.

Henry Dunant

Henry Dunant (1828-1910) was a man of vision whose strong humanitarian ideals directly led to the founding of the International Red Cross in 1863

Henry Dunant

Henry Dunant
Henry Dunant (1828-1910) was a man of vision whose strong humanitarian ideals directly led to the founding of the International Red Cross in 1863

William Blackstone

Born in 1841, William E. Blackstone, a Chicago businessman, was an American Christian Zionist and an active member of the American Evangelical community

William Blackstone

William Blackstone
Born in 1841, William E. Blackstone, a Chicago businessman, was an American Christian Zionist and an active member of the American Evangelical community

The Ten Boom Family

The story of Willem and Elizabeth ten Boom and their descendants is a remarkable, century-long tale of Christian prayer and action

Ten Boom Family

The Ten Boom Family
The story of Willem and Elizabeth ten Boom and their descendants is a remarkable, century-long tale of Christian prayer and action